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It’s safe to say I am not on a vendetta against “Cabbage Juice”, after all if it was just cabbage juice I would not even bother with this, as that would just be absurd!

The MAIN 4 points as to why this is wrong in so many ways. 1.) The Sodium Chloride levels are way to high to be consuming a gallon a day. After a while your body will end up with irreversible organ damage. This will happen even with 2-3 or more glasses a day.    2.) The functionality of your bowel system by “Waterfalling” which is just diarrhea on a daily basis will make your body forget how to properly digest. You are also flushing out the good with the bad. It is like doing an invasive salt flush daily (no matter what else is in it, it still does the same thing a salt flush does). You’ll have to seek medical attention to be able to have bowel movements on your own again, especially the longer you are on it. We have one lady who already has this after 2 weeks of aggressively doing the protocol. She may have to have surgery for this problem now. 3.) People have different medical conditions that would be much more severely impacted by even trying this protocol. Except Jillian seems to think it is safe for anyone and everyone. Excluding organ donors or surrogate mothers. Where is your evidence to back this up? 4.) Newborns are not supposed to have water, or excessive Sodium Chloride. There is a reason we are not sprinkling ANY type of salt in breast milk! Babies and children are extremely susceptible to having much greater long term problems and or death while doing this protocol.

Now lets get down to some of the evidence:

You are an Experiment. I would love for Jillian to explain just how she makes claims that it is going to heal or reverse anything from A-Z considering you are in an experiment or controlled study or whatever SHE wants to call it. If anyone understands what an experiment is, they are done to find any and all outcomes of said experiment. If you are still experimenting there is no way you can make outrageous claims of healing anything from A-Z! COMMON SENSE! Let’s not forget how you’re using them as Guinea Pigs to! If the experiment was controlled people would not be in the hospital at this moment! You CANNOT do a controlled experiment on Facebook! and play Dr!

Don’t forget you are all Guinea Pig’s for her very lethal experiment!

Well okay now. Sure use me as a guinea pig and get me to put my entire digestive tract to sleep as it gets used to having chronic diarrhea on a daily basis aided by a moldy sea water with bits of cabbage salt water laxative flush. Totally looking forward to not being able to take a shit in several months to a year! Not to mention ending up completely unhealthy later on because it ceases to digest properly to. This in of itself can kill someone aside from the many problems with the Sodium Chloride levels! There is someone currently in the hospital for this exact problem from only 2 weeks of doing Jilly’s Jim Jones juice! We are all praying for her recovery!

I thought you didn’t use the word cure because you said a cure is temporary? So which is it, temporary or not, use it or not? Making Medical Claims now! The judges you think love you because you bought make-up from a clerk at the court will love that! Although they are administrators as they are in small claims court! So not the same judges you will deal with in a criminal case against you!

It also confounds me that Jillian seems to not understand that she uses words completely out of context, yet is some sort of Google/Wikipedia innerwebby medical expert. That should worry some of you!

She needs to be stopped. People whom use the words “carnal knowledge” in this context as if it has something to do with smarts and brains, needs a dictionary! Maybe I will send her one for Christmas. I have her address! Just shows she’s remembering big words online and making it all sounds good in her own head, meanwhile feeding her garbage to you! I don't normally expose people like this, but when you make yourself such a big public platform and cause harm to other people and lie, ESPECIALLY BABIES; I am  not sorry for doing so as it must be stopped before a child dies from your horrible advice and false claims!

How about that Kosher Law you keep telling mothers that will protect them from CPS? Well let’s see what a LAWYER responded back to me on my questions on Kosher Law. Will Kosher Law protect someone if they fed a concoction to their child that caused bodily harm to them? (EXCESSIVE SODIUM CHLORIDE CAUSES BODILY HARM) Let’s not forget that Kosher Law is a Jewish law and I don’t believe all your members are even Jewish!

Here is a parent causing bodily harm to their child and Jillian giving medical advice telling them their child is okay! This child passed out from Sodium Toxicity because his electrolytes are completely out of whack, of course it would take an actual Doctor to diagnose that which I, NOR JILLIAN is! He clearly needs medical attention, and the mother clearly needs to STOP poisoning their child. Playing with fire here and these children are the victims! I believe this one happens to be 2 1/2, don’t quote me on the age though. This is what keeps me on this crusade to stop her very bad advice! I believe this is the one who’s mother is giving him enemas with her cabbage juice that has excess levels of sodium chloride.

What are the symptoms of Electrolyte imbalances? Just remember they are more sever and happen quicker to children and especially infants! It's important to remember that JILLIAN CANNOT TELL YOU IF A BABIES ORGANS ARE FUNCTIONING PROPERLY. SHE WOULD NEED MEDICAL TESTING TO BE ABLE TO ACCURATELY TELL YOU THIS. SHE IS NOT A DOCTOR. This child needs medical attention to have his kidney's tested to ensure you have not caused irreversible damage as well as his digestive tract from the excessive amounts of Sodium Chloride!

So let’s take a look at the kidney problems. These are the symptoms of impaired kidney function. I know a lot of these considering I have kidney disease which WILL NOT be fixed by excessive levels of Sodium Chloride as Sodium Chloride in excessive levels will damage your kidney’s further!

Now let's take a look at the symptoms list they were making from all their reports on their experiment, why don't we! It's important to remember that these blatant "my body is in distress" symptoms are NOT "healing symptoms" as you are being told! Now correlate these symptoms that are reported to the pictures above. These people are doing serious damage to their bodies!

Many people report these symptoms everyday. Adults have a greater ability to bounce back after flushing their systems with water. The higher your dose, the less chances you have to bounce back from anything at all. It does not negate the fact that there would still be long term damage done with the digestive tract from inducing diarrhea on a daily basis for weeks, months and years. Didn’t she say you would need to drink the swamp juice forever? Don't forget the organ and vascular damage that is caused. In children the symptoms happen faster and the younger they are the more prone they are at not bouncing back and ending up in a coma or death. There was already reports of a child having seizures, which she seems to think is “healing symptoms” as any and all symptoms are to Jillian's logic, “Healing Symptoms”. Hypernatremia is caused by excess levels of Sodium Chloride in the body! Sad, considering there are SO MANY other healthy way’s of cleaning the body, ridding it of parasites, as well as providing all those minerals she keeps speaking about in her salt that do not cause you to excessively blow your load on a daily basis. They also have the same outcome in the “healing” people are reporting whom are NOT doing an entire gallon a day per her recommendations and the diet alone would have all these affects anyways. IT’S THE SODIUM CHLORIDE LEVELS AND EXCESSIVE LONG TERM DIARRHEA “WATERFALLS” YOU ALL ARE DOING THAT IS HARMFUL! But don’t listen to me at all, I mean Jillian found all her studies in wikipedia. I wonder what type of Scientific articles or as she calls them Academia articles you can find on long term use of excessive levels of Sodium Chloride and salt water laxative flushes. May not be the same thing but it induces the same exact response as a salt water flush. Your only difference is you got bits of moldy cabbage floating around!



Here is a story of a mother who just went to jail for poisoning and KILLING her child with SALT!  Just remember IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT KIND OF SALT AS IT WAS THE SODIUM CHLORIDE ITSELF THAT KILLED HIM. SODIUM CHLORIDE IS IN ALL SALT!

Here is some more crazy talk. Apparently if we are missing two lungs, a heart or a liver we would still be standing and able to drink the swamp juice! Would be nice to see her science she sights to back up her asinine claims! This protocol is a NO SIZE FITS IT AT ALL PROTOCOL!


Now apparently the swamp juice will regrow your teeth to! Nope, it doesn't work like that! There is already one person who has lost a tooth doing this for several months! We are prayer for her recovery! Problem with this statement is that excessive Sodium Chloride depletes calcium in the body! So that statement is WRONG WRONG WRONG! You can research all the truthful claims I am making and actually find scientific evidence of such. Of course Jillian tells you NOT to research because if you did you would not do her protocol. Well Duh! Of course you wouldn’t. It’s blatantly obvious what the problems are. Healing DOES NOT HAVE TO BE PAINFUL! PLEASE DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AS JILLIAN IS NOT A HERO AND IS NOT THE END ALL SAY ALL IN YOUR DECISIONS. YOU HAVE A BRAIN, SO USE IT!

Yes, this is your hero! The Satanic Agenda is alive and well on the innerwebby! Either that or she is just seriously possessed by evil!

I mean at least have some decency! Who does this, or even video tapes it? It is very sad that people are following this monster who is a dictator. She is completely afraid of a question mark at the end of a sentence. If you have one questioning anything she is doing, you are instantly blocked and deleted. She refuses to debate it based on the single fact of one not agreeing. Will not go on Dr. Phill as they would ambush her? OF COURSE THEY WOULD. YOU’RE GIVING EXTREMELY DANGEROUS AND LETHAL ADVICE. YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF. YOU SHOULD BE IN JAIL FOR THE HARM YOU HAVE ALREADY DONE TO MANY! The link below will take you to a video. Yeah I know, she’s classy isn’t she? NOT!

The sad but funny thing is many of her group members are only there to watch the insanity as a form of entertainment!

Now apparently she compares everything that happens to herself to everyone else! Another very bad flaw in her contrived way of thinking!

Again, YES EXCESSIVE SODIUM CHLORIDE CAUSES SWELLING! She really does not understand how the body works yet makes everyone think she does because she is a certifiable Google and Wikipedia expert! Problem is she didn’t completely study the body and how it actually works, nor understand what she has read properly.

Here we have another example of a clear cut dictatorship going on. Good for you Millie! She was actually kicked out of the group for her comment! At least she'll get to keep her brain! According to Jillian's excuses it’s the parasites talking. So I guess Millie’s parasites were not ready. I am thinking the narcissistic behavior's of Jillian's parasites are not ready for common sense?

More inability to correctly say things! Candida is not known as DNA! ***slaps forehead***

The child that is throwing up in this one is only 3! Poor baby! Jillian’s advice is going to be met with some serious charges in the end. I surely hope this mother wake's up! This baby is not vomiting because of Parasites. He is vomiting because your body is not meant to handle excessive levels of Sodium Chloride. The more you up the dose the more you endanger his life. He can end up in a coma if not dying! IT IS VERY REAL! Please re-read the pictures above explaining the symptoms of Electrolyte Embalances, Sodium Chloride poisoning also can be called Hypernatremia, and Kidney Failure! This "jilly juice" as they call it, IS NOT GOING TO HEAL YOU! Let's not even go into the many pictures of supposed parasites in that group. Some are actual intestinal lining and stomach lining. Most are NOT parasites! Again there are much better, healthier way's of doing parasites cleanses without harming your body!

The claims are NOT substantial claims! Just wait. Most of the adults doing 3-6 cups a day will know what I am speaking about later on! The damage Sodium Chloride itself causes in the long run are going to catch up to people! DO YOUR RESEARCH! BE FULLY INFORMED! That is what being open minded is all about. Being able to see all sides and spectrums to make a FULLY INFORMED DECISION based upon ALL the evidence. Sad part is you’re not really getting any evidence, just someone telling you what the evidence is supposed to be, then telling you NOT to research or you would NOT do her protocol! Again, of course you wouldn’t. Then being clouded in your ability to see the entire picture because the diet and excessive laxative flush has caused SOME good healing in some of you! Most of those on this long term will find the problems pile up in the long run!

Apparently it is Fear Mongering to know of the long term side affects of Sodium Chloride in excessive levels. To question anything at all you are not allowed to. I think it’s kind of like that in North Korea. She reminds me of a female version of Kim Jong Un the way she dictates everything for you! Keep blindly playing follow the leader. Your master is duping you big time.

Barbara Anderson is probably not in the group anymore! Furthermore POLITICS have nothing to do with Health Problems caused by EXCESSIVE SODIUM CHLORIDE which is one of the minerals in the salt! Each gallon contains between 35,000-55,000 mg of Sodium Chloride. She advises you to work up to drinking the entire gallon a day as fast as you can. Now we have more crazy talk. She is full of herself!

In case anyone would like a copy of this so-called book she claims she has written. It was made public record when she handed it to the court as evidence in her court case. So considering it’s public record now, ANYONE CAN GO GET IT! Are you curious to see if it even exist. I mean she said she gave it to them, her words. NOT MINE! You can file an FOIA for them or if you live in Ohio it would be for Small Claims court. The case is also public record as well. Jillian Epperly vs. Michele Smith. When you file anything into the courts as EVIDENCE it becomes part of the court records which are PUBLIC!  Oh and that somebody she is speaking about is me! Not sorry, but I can’t sit back and watch someone tell people how to slowly kill themselves, especially babies and children! NO CAN DO! In case you want to do an FOIA here is the site to help with writing it up.



Since Jillian get’s all her information from Google and Wikipedia, you to can do the same thing! No wonder she doesn’t want you to research! All your symptoms you’re reporting are NOT HEALING SYMPTOMS AT ALL!

Now we have her here claiming WHAT IF! WAIT UP THERE JILLY. You said it heals/fixes/reverses/cures anything from A-Z. Did you skip F in this as Foreskin would fall under F!

Here is a picture of how much pink salt is in ONE GALLON of Jillian’s Juice!

Here is the recommended amount of Sodium Chloride as that is what they are recommending to you when they mention the word SALT!

I would hope people think twice about doing this. Those that are doing it and feeling “healing symptoms” or any actual good benefits from it whom are obviously NOT drinking the entire recommended gallon a day, PLEASE GET YOUR KIDNEY FUNCTION CHECKED. You will end up with long term digestive problems and more as time goes on. I SAY ALL THIS BECAUSE I CARE AND IT’S COMMON SENSE!

There are way better, not to expensive cheap ways to rid your body of toxins and parasites. You could also stay on the actual diet part of it while you do it and none of those would harm your body at all while doing it! It requires research. I would also recommend that anyone and everyone learn Anatomy & Physiology, it is almost essential when you are going to be your own doctor and try to heal yourself in any way! Jillian uses lots of big words to make herself sound smart, but does not have a complete understanding of how the body functions. This in of itself is very dangerous for anyone to be listening to anything she is spouting out of her trap!

If you would like to join a FB page that is keeping up on this entire fiasco you can join The Protocol Effects: Exposing the Lies & Pain on Facebook to keep an eye on the blatant absurdity!

If you would like a support group after being harmed by this protocol with or without medical evidence to back up your claims, please join the FB group Harmed by Jillian Mai Thi’s Protocol. The group is closed and ONLY for those who have been harmed or are no longer doing it to discuss your health issues you have and support each other as you heal from doing her protocol! It is a new group, that is closed. Hope to see you there!

For those who were harmed please file a police report with your local police department! Be diligent in including all of the key point Evidentiary facts, especially the children and babies. These reports are all sent to Canton Ohio Police department for further action. SHE WILL BE SHUT DOWN! How many more people harmed, how many more deaths will occur from her and her very, very bad Quackery! If you have any questions on any of this please pm me on the below FB account!.

You can reach me on Facebook by typing in Janice Marie Rollins

This entire thing is being fully investigated!

Yours truly in love and light,

Truther Scout - Protector of the Realm - Mother - Caring Soul - Just Me


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